The Peppers Cookbook: 200 Recipes from the Pepper Lady's Kitchen (Great American Cooking)

Baked, smoked, broiled, stuffed, pureed, or ground into powder, peppers (or capsicums) are rich in vitamins and flavor. Andrews, the author of two previous books on the subject, knows their every variety. She introduces and differentiates among 18 here, identifying their characteristics and giving some background context in thorough preliminary chapters that whet the appetite for the 200 recipes that follow. A Texan, Andrews readily admits her bias for regional cookery, but she includes dishes from European, Southeast Asian, and African cuisines that use peppers in various forms. A glossary of ingredients (brand names) and cooking terms heads the book, which is organized roughly by course--appetizers, main dishes, side dishes, and, yes, even a small selection of desserts (though her flan doesn't seem to have pepper) to tantalize and fire up the taste buds . . . as one prefers.

Book Details
  • Paperback: 240 pages
  • Publisher: University of North Texas Press (June 23, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 1574411934
  • ISBN-13: 978-1574411935

Size: 1.35 Mb
FileType: RAR

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